• If you are someone who is interested in learning to be a keynote speaker, then one of the many aspects you will need to consider is building your brand and establishing your company formula. While getting up on stage and delivering a great speech is a vital component, you will also need to understand many aspects of the business such as marketing and branding. One way that many professional speakers use is by creating logo caricatures.

    When certain prominent features of something or someone are highlighted or exaggerated, and other features are diminished, that is called caricature which can be used well in public speaking. Studies have found that it is easier to identify a political leader from a caricature than from a real photograph, so in your public speaking, you can use caricatures of yourself in your own promotional material or in your programs to make fun of yourself. 

    You can do the same thing to make fun of your competitors or your competitor's products by amplifying whatever feature you want to emphasize. Caricature artists are not too hard to locate. Many times you can find them by looking in the yellow pages under the categories of entertainment or party planning because they frequently perform at parties. Thinking how to find what you need is part of the professional speaking business.

    Connecting with members of the audience, from increasingly many cultures, is involved when speaking in public. Cartoons and Comic Strips are the most universally accepted formats for humor across cultures. There are three ways to use cartoons: first, you can tell the audience about a cartoon you saw; second, you can cut the cartoon out of its publication and show it; and third, you can make up a cartoon yourself.I saw a cartoon once where a lady was holding a gun to her purse.

    The caption said, 'Give up the keys!' I use this example in my Business Lite Seminar when I want to illustrate the use of humor to help ease the tension in embarrassing situations. (I have also used this line many times when I am with a woman who is fumbling through her purse.) When I tell the audience I saw a cartoon, it helps them paint a mental picture of what I am describing with words, and painting word pictures in people's minds is a critical component of speaking in public.

    Describing a cartoon is an easy method for using cartoons without having them physically available or needing audio/visual equipment to show them. Showing a cartoon when you are presenting on stage is a more powerful way to convey its humorous message. This is especially true in international audiences where the visual aspect takes on a greater significance.In a very small crowd I might hold up the cartoon or I might pass it around.

    In larger audiences, the cartoon should be projected (don't forget to get permission from the copyright holder) so everyone can see it clearly. I like this method better anyway because I can control when it pops up on the screen. I want everyone to see the cartoon simultaneously so their laughter will be cumulative. Try to fill the frame of the visual with your cartoon or comic strip. You will create a greater impact. Remember creating an impact is your duty as a speaker. This is especially true when you decide to have a motivational speaking career.

    The third way to use cartoons is to make them yourself. When I first started teaching this subject I could not take advantage of this method unless I hired an artist. Things are different now. There are a number of inexpensive computer software programs available which can be used, one of which is Corel Draw.

    This program has 25,000 pieces of electronic clip art, many of which are cartoons. I can make custom overhead cartoons for my speaking meetings. All I do is pick an applicable cartoon, add a custom caption for my audience. So as a professional speaker, sometimes you are an artist without words, and a picture is worth a thousand words.

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  • When it comes to staying motivated at work, its important that you understand the science of psychology and human behavior. Very often people have a difficult time doing things in life because they are unmotivated. Whether it is procrastination, bad habits, or laziness, people from all cultures and walks of life find it difficult to be productive and get things done.

    This is especially true at work. Very often people struggle with their career because they have not approached it with the right mindset. Whether they did poorly in school or did not have good parents, certain sects of our society have developed very poor thinking around becoming successful in life and at work.

    I think higher pay might not be meant to motivate but to attract the best candidates, mostly. However, I agree that when companies pay executives bonuses based on performance then it is ridiculously redundant as in the candle experiment. This continuous to happen despite contrary evidence mainly because of greed.

    I feel that the concept would apply really well to fitness, another major problem of our time. When you eat well and exercise for an extrinsic reward, losing twenty pounds, getting abs, fitting in a couple sizes smaller, its easy to lose interest, to get discouraged, to stop. When the reward becomes intrinsic, when you enjoy exercise, and when eating well becomes a habit you prefer to eating like crap, then consistency - and results - come a lot easier. A pet theory on my part but it makes sense to me."

    He speaks a strong case against money as a motivator of complex problem solving. Money works as a motivator for simple mechanical (non-cognitive) problems. Creative problems that require brain power and doing something that has not been done before demands for commitment. Dan says giving people Autonomy, drive to master the skill, and meaning purpose are superior motivators.

    We are taught to think in this rigid, confined manner from the very beginning! Education in the United States is built entirely on a similar premise of reward and punishment that limits creativity not only throughout the academic experience, but during the remainder of our lives. We are suffocating the people of tomorrow with an inexhaustible supply of abstract "knowledge" without giving them the space, time or autonomy to simply think. People don't think anymore, they just function according to whatever predefined principles were explained to them as students. Knowledge is useless if you don't understand it.

    These ideas can transcend the business world and be applied to any facet of human life and behavior. The concept of intrinsic motivation works well in the setting of youth sports. Encouraging the child to participate in a sport and get the child to really care about all the details of the sport. To get the child to want to want be better at every facet of the game because the game is fun is the correct approach to youth sports. If this is the reason a child plays and not because they just want to win or worse an adult wants them to win then the child will receive continued joy from the activity and be more inclined to continue it of their own volition in the future. And after all, that is the most important purpose of youth sports, to let the child have fun and improve their skills. In that order. 

    So if you want to become successful, then the key is motivation. And the first step in this process is that you must be honest with yourself about why you are lacking such self discipline to get things done on a consistent basis.

    Here are some links to websites that can be useful:





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  • A friend once told me the reason she started a food business is for her family to get regular food. If you want a stress free life, why not consider life coaching business? The reward is that you will be on top of your life situations, just like you would solve other people challenges; you will solve yours too.

    I am a practical person. I believe that what you do to other people will come back to you. If your thoughts are good, and you are putting in your best to succeed in life, but things seem not coming through for you, you need a life coach to set your foot on the right path.

    Here are the pros and cons of starting a life coaching business:
    1.    Easy to set up and run from home. Although you need to follow the necessary processes of establishing a business, it's something you can do from home. With coaching skill, desk, computer, phone, and the internet you can become a life coach in a couple of months.

    2.    High-income potentials. When you help clients identify and solve their problems, it opens you up a world of opportunities for you. Your satisfied clients will refer more clients and no matter how little your service fees may be, having more clients means more income.

    3.    You can start before certification. Life coaching allows you to start your business immediately while pursuing your certification. As long as you maintain your professional coaching ethics, you can run your business without a hitch.

    4.    The joy of making a difference in other peoples’ lives. When you wake in the morning and see the number of people whose lives you have touched, nothing is as fulfilling.

    5.    You can up-sell. With life coaching you venture into life improvement products and offer them to your clients who will readily buy.
    1.    The initial investment in training. Starting a life coaching business requires training. Without the skill, it will be tough to practice as a life coach. Certification may be expensive.

    2.    You need high integrity. As a life coach, you need to live an exemplary lifestyle. You can't be judgmental, erratic and untrustworthy.

    3.    Excellent communication. A life coach needs to communicate and listen excellently. You have to be good at both.

    4.    No distractions. A Life coach must not be distracted. That means you need to put your home in order before starting your coaching business.

    Life coaching is an exciting job; once you decided to start the business, the sky is your beginning.


    Coaching Institute

    Coach Federation


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  • I lost my first job in the spring of 2003 when my company went bankrupt. Without skill whatsoever, I hit the job market again. That same year, I had my first baby, and it slowed down my search for a job. My husband had a job at the time, so I didn't know how tough it was to nurse a baby as a laid off. However, two years later, my husband lost his job too!

    Now, it was survival time for my family. One day, in November 2005, I met an old friend who just came to town; after hearing my story, she told me to stand up because life wasn't fair.  My friend, Lola, is a life coach of repute.

    Before meeting Lola, I always thought of life coaching as sports training for athletes and did not understand the benefits. Her explanation about life coach caught my interest, and the rest is history. She set me up for a coaching session, and that was my first encounter with coaching.

    Fast forward, let me say coaching service is terrific and it works. Lola didn't tell me what to do to reclaim my shattered life other than sitting with me to run a couple of sessions. It was a pro bono session because I can't afford her fee. To show my level of doubt, I didn't tell my husband until I started to see a result that will change my life forever.

    What is life coaching?

    It is a thought-provoking creative process between a life coach and the client to discover personal and professional potentials to take charge of their lives in a better way than before. A coach believes everyone has the potential to earn a livelihood or address some unwanted situations which is a bit different from a therapist. When they go through the session together, the creative possibilities of the client will manifest and with time the client will start to identify the problems they face and solutions to it.

    My coaching session helped me to see areas of my life to work on and how to apply the skills I learn to create a livelihood. It also strengthens my inner conviction and boosts my self-love. My self-believe was increased, and I overcame my fears.

    The life coaching improves my skills to help myself, my family and friends.

    The specific areas of improvement are:
    Self-confidence and self-love
    Enhanced relationship
    Work-life balance
    Sharp and accurate decision making
    Become the best version of me

    Today, through life coaching, I am a better person!

    4 commentaires
  • To be successful in life one cannot go about working aimlessly, one should set proper goals to stay focused on the area that they want to achieve success. Achieving goals in life is also not an easy task, and it requires a lot of hard work and determination. Progress in life or business can be made if there is a zeal to work towards the goal no matter what the circumstances may bring forth. Proper planning on how to go about achieving success there is a need to follow a step by step method of achievement.
    Life coaching can prove to be of great help in achieving success in life and business. Listed below are five ways that coaching may support your success.
    Setting a sure goal for success through online life coach:
    1. The first thing that a person needs to know about achieving success is that they should recognize and realize the area they want to make progress. Without knowing their field of expertise, a person can never achieve success. To recognize their abilities, they should get professional help from coaches to discover which area they perform better.
    2. A specific goal should be set to achieve success. In setting up such purposes, the help of a professional is needed because proper guidance is required to get a crystal clear idea of what you want in life. And through the interactions a person has with their life coach, their life coach can tell them what exactly they are yearning for in life because life coaches are professional experts in such areas. Life coaches will also provide the required tools to reach the goals.
    Arming yourself with positivity to face failures through working with a life coach:
    3. Taking a step towards success means conquering a failure. There may be some stumbling block for the person to overcome to reach the top. At such times they should not lose hope but should learn from their failures. Their coach will always be at their back supporting each step they take whether it be failure or success.
    4. A person too much focused on achieving success may fail to maintain stability in other aspects of life, and this will create other problems. One such example will be losing to live out on certain other aspects of life resulting in conflicts and disputes among family which will effect in staying focused. This kind of problems can be avoided by following guidelines from life coaches to balance personal life and work life.
    Online life coach through every step of success:
    5. The fifth way through which it can support success in life is that, unlike people who leave their friends once they face failures. Life coaches stand through thick and thin, and not just that they will always be there to listen to the problems as well as giving proper advice to face such issues. They become a strong pillar of support which offers not just words because they know that it is action and not words that make things happen, arming a person with the skills to accomplish more of the goals in less of a time.

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